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Great work, gameplay on real hardware ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘

Thanks, for the video

I'm trying to get this file to work with Yaba Shanshiro 2 pro but it refuses to read the file. If anyone else has been able to get this working, would appreciate the help 


Really cool and fun idea, only two suggestions?  

1) Re-mappable controls.  With my setup Saturn controller, A being jump and B being attack feels a little awkward.

2) Make the screen scrolling start a bit sooner than it does currently.  As it is, the screen doesn't start moving until Maria's already nearly across the screen, and unless I'm hammering the attack button constantly it feels kind of cheap just rushing into enemies and getting hit immediately with almost no time to react.


See it in action ๐Ÿ‘‡


Where is the game cartridge (IK+) I paid 150 Euro on Patreon for which you promised me to receive no later than 2021?
